Low key is the key②

Many keys in life, open different doors.
Have you counted how many ones in your life yet? Have you kept being full of appreciates as time passing away? If the answer is negative, please pay close attention to people around you. If do, please keep low profile with appreciates. The best way to keep good status is just keep low profile. Please believe in it.

Per my opinion, the reality is the biggest winner, we are all losers. Some lost love. Some lost hope. Some lost patience. Some lost ambitions...

What do you lost since now? Please review your past years. Did you seize every opportunity, or just passed by? What are you pursuing in those days? Whether you have paied enough when pursuing what you were looking for? Whether there was any guiltiness on your heading way...

As for me, there are many apology having to be given. Sorry for my careless. Sorry for my late listening. Sorry for my ignoring. Sorry for my selfishness. Sorry for...

Sadness is always along with happyness. Just like: Success is always along with failure.

When you are feeling happy, please enjoy it, but keep low profile. Because there are some people sad in some corners. When you are successful, please enjoy it, and give yourfashion cap hand to others. Because there are many people in troubles. When you are sad, please shake yourself up. Because happyness is coming sooner. Nothing could be worse than now. When you are failed, please look inside of it. After deep thinking, you could get more. There's no kind of failure or success coming without reasons...

Life depends on attitude of life.
' Low Key ' is mine.
Low key is the key.



  本书包括相对独立的三卷:英文卷、中文卷、画册。 卷一系英文,分为三篇。上篇提供一个中国色情文献的历史概览。中篇包括一个简明的中国春宫画史概要,以及一个稍为详细的明末春宫版画述说。下篇是对翻印于卷三的画册..







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摘要志怪小说是一种以记载描述怪异人事为主的创作属于小说题材类型之一种。 志怪小说-简介 志怪小说 志怪小说是一种以记载描述怪异人事为主的创作属于小说题材类型之一种,是小说发展演进中一种较为规范和定型化..

