
拉特飞扎德(Lotfi A. Zadeh)模糊理论之父


  拉特飞扎德(Lotfi A. Zadeh,1921~ )美国自动控制专家,美国工程科学院院士。1921年2月生于苏联巴库。 1949年获哥伦比亚大学电机工程博士。现任伯克利加利福尼亚大学电机工程与计算机科学系教授。因发展模糊集理论的先驱性工作而获电气与电子工程师学会(IEEE)的教育勋章。

Lotfali Askar-Zadeh (Azerbaijani: Ltfli sgrzad, Persian: , born February 4, 1921), better known as Lotfi A. Zadeh, is a mathematician and computer scientist, and a professor of computer science at the University of California, Berkeley.


Lotfali A. Zadeh in 2004
Born February 4, 1921 (1921-02-04) (age 88)
Baku, Azerbaijan SSR
Residence United States
Nationality Iranian, American
Ethnicity Azeri
Fields Mathematics
Institutions U.C. Berkeley
Alma mater Columbia University
Known for Founder of Fuzzy Mathematics,
fuzzy set theory, and fuzzy logic
Notable awards IEEE Medal of Honor, ACM Fellow





1963年他和 C.A.德舍尔合著的《线性系统的状态空间理论》是该领域的经典著作。书中介绍的状态空间逼近已成为最优控制中的标准工具,广泛用于工业机器人和社会经济系统。



In 1994 he was inducted as a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery. He was awarded the IEEE Medal of Honor in 1995 For pioneering development of fuzzy logic and its many diverse applications.

Zadeh has a long list of achievements, including

In 1993 Azarbaijan bestowed him an honorary Professorship from the Azarbaijan State Oil Academy.
but the awards Zadeh has received since 2003, include:

Outstanding Contribution Award, Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC), Halifax, Canada, 2003.
Wall of Fame, Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum (HNF), Paderborn, Germany, 2004.
Civitate Honoris Causa, Budapest Tech Polytechnical Institution, Budapest, Hungary; Sept. 4, 2004.
Doctor Honoris Causa, Muroran Institute of Technology, Muroran, Japan; Oct. 29, 2004.
Doctor Honoris Causa, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China; Nov. 9, 2004.
V. Kaufmann Prize and Gold Medal, International Association for Fuzzy-Set Management and Economy (SIGEF), Barcelona, Spain, Nov. 15, 2004.
Foreign member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 2005.
Nicolaus Copernicus Medal of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 2005.
J. Keith Brimacombe IPMM Award in recognition of his development of fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic, 2005.
Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain; Jan. 29, 2007.
Richard E. Bellman Control Heritage Award
Doctor Honoris Causa, Ryerson University, Toronto , Ontario, Canada; June 10 2008.
Zadeh's most recent recognition comes from The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Lotfi Zadeh receives the 2009 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Electrical Engineering for inventing and developing the field of fuzzy logic, in which a system applies a quantitative assessment to inherently ambiguous ideas, thus providing a new paradigm to improve artificial intelligence and automated control systems.


Zadeh wrote several articles. A selection:

1965. Fuzzy sets. Information and Control. 1965; 8: 338353.
1965. Fuzzy sets and systems. In: Fox J, editor. System Theory. Brooklyn, NY: Polytechnic Press, 1965: 2939.
1972. A fuzzy-set-theoretical interpretation of linguistic hedges. Journal of Cybernetics 1972; 2: 434.
1973. Outline of a new approach to the analysis of complex systems and decision processes. IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1973; 3: 2844.
1974. Fuzzy logic and its application to approximate reasoning. In: Information Processing 74, Proc. IFIP Congr. 1974 (3), pp. 591594.
1975. Fuzzy logic and approximate reasoning. Synthese, 1975; 30: 407428.
1975. Calculus of fuzzy restrictions. In: Zadeh LA, Fu KS, Tanaka K, Shimura M, editors. Fuzzy Sets and their Applications to Cognitive and Decision Processes. New York: Academic Press, 1975: 139.
1975. The concept of a linguistic variable and its application to approximate reasoning, I-III, Information Sciences 8 (1975) 199251, 301357; 9 (1976) 4380.
About Lotfi Asker Zadeh
Fuzzy Sets and Systems. The main journal of the field which contains many contributions by its founder.
Zadeh : From computing with numbers to computing with words from manipulation of measurements to manipulation of perceptions in International Journal of Applied Math and Computer Science, pp. 307324, vol. 12, no. 3, 2002.
Fay Zadeh. My Life and Travels with the Father of Fuzzy Logic. 1998, TSI Press, Albuquerque, NM.


  描述和处理现实世界模糊性数量关系的数学分支,称为模糊数学。模糊数学诞生于1965年,创始人是美国加利福尼亚大学自动控制专家扎德(Lotfi Zadeh)教授,他在第一篇论文模糊集合(Fuzzy Set)中,引入了隶属函数这个概念来描述差异的中间过渡问题。经过近30年的发展,模糊数学在理论和应用方面均已取得很大成果。

  随着科学的发展,研究对象越来越复杂,而复杂的东西难以精确化的。这种矛盾随着电子计算机的发展而日益激化。一方面是严密的程序要求高度的精确;另一方面,机器所执行的任务更加复杂,必然涉及到大量的模糊概念。这就是大系统出现所带来的突出矛盾。  以至使许多科技工作者从实践中总结出来一条所谓不相容原理当一个系统复杂性增大时,我们使它精确化的能力将减少,在达到一定阈值(限度)之上时,复杂性和精确性将相互排斥。从某种意义上来说,模糊数学是架在形式化思维和复杂系统之间的一座桥梁,可以把多年积累起来、形式化思维的数学成果应用到复杂系统中去,并通过少量的信息而得到大量的成果。


  • Oral history interview with Lotfi A. Zadeh, Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota.
  • Berkeley Commencement Speech: Commercialism and Human Values: When You Can't Stop for Lunch in Azerbaijan International - AZER.com
  • Lotfi Zadeh Reflects Upon his Childhood, Azerbaijan International, Winter 1999.
  • Academic profile Berkeley, University of California
  • IEEE: Zadeh
  • Honorary Chair and Keynote Speaker, ICCCC 2008, A conference dedicated to the Centenary of John Bardeen
For Zadeh's PhD students see

  • Lotfi Asker Zadeh at the Mathematics Genealogy Project
  • 1965 seminal work on Fuzzy Sets





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