


  • 1953年:MIT教授
  • 1959年:宾夕法尼亚大学教授



  • 1957《市场营销行动与经营行为》 (Marketing Behavior and Executive Action)60年代以前,最伟大、最系统的Marketing学术论著
  • 1965《动态市场营销活动》


  • 基本方法:
    • 依据 Parsons 的功能主义,综合分析市场营销体系。即从经营者行为的角度把握市场营销活动。
  • 分析理论依据
    • 目的与资源(技术层面):成功的条件与费用,即投入产出问题。
    • 经济层面:多元目标与资源分配决策过程。
    • 权力层面:利益分配权的最大化(竞争与垄断、差别化)。

Wroe Alderson

  Marketing was once considered a trade. Wroe Alderson proved it was a science as well.

  After beginning his career as a consultant, Alderson joined the Wharton faculty in 1959. He quickly became the leading marketing theorist of his time. Alderson saw that mathematical models and quantitative techniques could be used to research and analyze consumer taste, the size of advertising budgets and sales forces, and in distributing marketing messages across media techniques that helped create the field of market research.

  Wharton Marketing Professor Paul Green calls Wroe Alderson an intellectual monarch of marketing research. But Alderson, he affectionately adds, was a Quaker with little time for monarchies. Today Whartons Marketing faculty comprise the most cited department in the world.

  Under Aldersons leadership, Wharton began to build a more scientific basis for marketing research and became a major force in applying analytic models to marketing challenges. With a firm belief that theory and practice go hand in hand, Alderson wrote the book, Marketing Behavior and Executive Action, which focused on social science rather than institutional economics.

  Alderson, with his young colleague Green, opened a Management Science Center at Wharton in 1962. He used the center as part of his MBA course in Marketing Management, giving his students a chance to act as consultants and to practice new techniques on real-world problems now common practice in MBA education. Alderson also established Whartons Annual Marketing Theory seminars, served as Trustee of the Marketing Institute, and engineered the migration of the famed Operations Research group at Case Institute to Wharton in 1963.

  He carved a course through which marketing theory would develop, drawing in streams of research from other researchers and other disciplines, eroding and shaping the assumptions of marketing research, carving out an indelible path of the landscape of marketing, wrote Terry Beckman of Queens University in a paper titled The Wroe River: The Canyon Carved by Alderson.



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