Edgar Allar Poe②

  Edgar allan Poe(1809--1848)
  American poet , critic , and short - story writer , is considered one of the most important Ameriacan authors of the nineteenth century. His short story deal chiefly with mystery, horror, and crime, They are considered to be important forerunners of the typical detective story of twentieth century. As an artist, Poe came to be regarded more highly aborad than in his own century. His publications include three volumes of poetry, a large number of short stories, and critical articles.
  Something about Poe and his works:
  Poe, by his own choice, was a poet, but economic necessity forced him to turn to the relatively profitable genre of prose. Whether or not Poe invented the short story, it is certain that he originated the novel of detection. Perhaps his best-known tale in this genre is The Gold Bug (1843)(《金甲虫》), about a search for buried treasure. The Murders in the Rue Morgue(1841) (《莫尔格街凶杀案》), The Mystery of Marie Rogêt(1842-1843) (《玛丽·罗热疑案》) , and The Purloined Letter (1844) (《被窃之信》) are regarded as predecessors of the modern mystery, or detective, story.



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  黄小配(1872-1913) 清末民初小说家。广东番禺(今番禺县,位广州市东南)人,又名世仲,笔名黄帝苗裔,还别号禺山世次郎,为清末小说家,曾参加“同盟会”。“辛亥革命”前在港粤从事过革命宣传活动,曾主编过“同盟会”的报纸,1..