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TAYLOR, ISAAC (1787-1865) Philosophical and historical writer, artist, and inventor, was the most eminent member of a family known as the Taylors of Ongar, which has shown a remarkable persist..
lytton strachey里顿·斯特拉奇 里顿·斯特拉奇(Lytton strachey),英国著名传记作家。毕业于剑桥大学,与法国的莫洛亚、德国的茨威格,同为20世纪传记文学的代表作家。其传记文学作品打破了长期以来那种歌功颂德的..
安·莱德克利夫是最具代表性的英国哥特小说女作家。 Ann Radcliffe (1764-1823), novelist and poet, was born in London the daughter of a tradesman. Through his and his wife's connections she had co..
格里美豪森 Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshau-sen 1622~1676 德国小说家。生于黑森地区的盖尔恩豪森。参加过30年战争。以此为素材创作了长篇小说《痴儿历险记》,是巴洛克时代最重要的文学作品。他..
词语:繁露 注音:fán lù 释义:1.亦作'繁路'。古代帝王贵族冕旒上所悬的玉串。 2.落葵的别名。见明李时珍《本草纲目.菜二.落葵》。 3.谓露水。4.王冕前后所悬的玉串。 繁露,女,1918年生,原名王韵梅,上虞人,台..