
  Born c. 94 B.C.E. Died c. 54 B.C.E.
  Little is known of Lucretius’s life, apart from his authorship of the poem De rerum natura (On the Nature of Things, 6 books).
  Influenced by Greek philosopher Epicurus (341-270 B.C.E.) who was concerned with how to lead a happy life and achieve ataraxia (‘absence of disturbance’)
  This concern ultimately derives from his ‘atomic theory’ (the basis of life). Epicurus gives Lucretius a materialist philosophy in which knowledge is based on sense perception NOT on a belief in the Gods
  Lucretius does not see the world as having a divine plan and urges that we should not fear death. For him, the Gods exist but have no interest in or influence over human affairs. Instead, the Gods represent ataraxia itself, living an undisturbed and harmonious life.
  Lucretius calls atoms ‘the ultimate law’. In other words, the matter of the universe creates the conditions in which we live and die NOT the Gods or a divine plan
  For him, religions are out of balance with the universe. In fact, Lucretius often attacked religion as a form of blindness and a cause of evil: ‘Too often Religion / Herself gives birth to evil and blasphemous deeds’
  Lucretius thinks about the universe: whether it has a limit or not. He argues: ‘All things limit something else […] but nothing / Exists beyond this All to close it in’
  He wonders about what will make us happy and says that ‘luxury […] is useless for our bodies’ and that Nature supplies all that we need
  Lucretius sees death as the necessary consequence of change in the universe and argues that it is not something to fear. Our atoms will simply disperse and become part of matter again.
  He does not believe in Hell or an Underworld of punishment and says instead: ‘This life of fools […] this is the true Hell’. In other words, humankind creates its own torture and unhappiness, NOT the Gods.



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