
  程小蓓 Xiaobei Cheng
  女 诗人、作家、艺术活动策划人,自上世纪八十年代开始,在从医的同时,创作出大量诗歌作品,出版诗集《热爱生活》《一支偷来的笔》《她跑进跑出》;1997年开始写小说,出版长篇小说《无奈的生命》、《你疯了!》。
  Xiaobei Cheng, female writer and poet, photographer, Since 1980s when she was a doctor she began to write poem and published “Love of life”“One stolen pen”“She runs in and out”;in 1997she began to write novel and published novel “Life nowhere”、“Are you crazy!”.
  In 2000, She began to initiate the pla n of “Beijin Shangyuan Art Museum” and “China modern Architecture Art Scene”, and in the same time she wrote novel “Construction story”.
  In 1987, She travelled to shoot pictures, starting from Chengdu, She went to several revolutionary bases in Sichuan, Shanbei Plateau, Shanxi, Gunsu, Ningxia and then came back to Beijing detour Shanxi and Hebei. She spent two months and photographed over 10,000 photos. She shot many photo stories and poems among which “Season of Weeds” “I should sing” have been published in Youth and Young. She set new expression for literary publications. Some of the works have been exhibited worldwide and used as cover pages for books, journals and magazines. In 2006 she set the unit of “Photography Art” in “Shangyuan Art Museum Architecture action Art exhibition”.
  诚实与真纯的诗 '程小蓓'我尊敬这样的诗人——诚实、真纯、有责任感。但我认为不能先为自己设定一种身份,包括诗人的身份。在写作时,我无法让自己先站在那样的制高点上,然后再让文字从自己的指尖像血一样滴落——从天空的高度滴落时,会不会像天女撒花呢?但“天女”是一个虚幻的人。她不食人间烟火。我们能借她的眼睛看到杜甫的“路有冻死骨”,但我们无法借她的皮肤去感知寒冷,并像杜甫那样感到切骨的痛。拿痛这样的感觉作例证——这些必须自己亲历过了才能准确把握的东西。否则,那个字只是一个音节“tong”。用更为“本质的人”去写自己的“亲历”。因为人首先必须关注他自己的感知,再由此延伸出去,关注他人——关注民族——关注国家——关注人类……。否则,创始的文字无法让我碰触,无法让我进入,更不用说让我与作者一同——感叹。
  Poetry of Honesty and Innocence /Cheng xiaobei / I respect those poets who are honest, innocent and conscientious. However, I don’t think it appropriate to determine my own identity as a poet. In writing, I fail to put myself up to such a high status and then let words flow like blood from my fingertips. Will dropping from the sky be like a fairy spreading flowers? But a fairy is a virtual person who neither eats nor sleeps. We can only borrow her eyes to see frozen dead bodies on the sideways. However, we can not borrow her skin to feel the coldness and bitter pain as what Du Fu experienced. Taking pain as an evidence. We all know it is a prerequisite to experience pain before understanding what it is. Otherwise, pain can only be pronounced with “Tong” in Chinese alphabet. Using a more “substantial person” to write his/her own “experiences”. People shall be first concerned with their own sensibility before reaching out to help others, the nation, the country, as well as humankind… Otherwise, the original words refuse my touch and entry. It refuses me to heave signs together with the writer.



  【屈宋】   屈宋:先秦楚辞作家屈原和的合称。屈原是骚体(也称'楚辞体')的开创者,宋玉略晚于屈原,也以楚辞著称,并对的形成与发展作出了重要贡献,后世因以屈宋合称。   以为首,包括宋玉、唐勒、景差在内的、楚赋的群..


  邓翔,1963年8月生,四川营山县人 ,经济学博士,德国慕尼黑大学经济学博士候选人,美国哈佛大学经济系博士后,剑桥大学访问学者。四川大学经济学院经济管理系系主任、教授,政治经济学、西方经济学、宏观经济学博士点博士生导..


  (1892~1964)   日本诗人、小说家、评论家。   生于和歌山县一个医生之家。父亲爱好俳句。1901年中学毕业,到东京拜著名小说家生田长江为师,并参加与谢野宽夫妇主办的东京诗社。同年9月考入庆应大学,1914年退学。..



威廉·豪夫(Wilhelm Hauff)  豪夫(1802-1827),世界最著名的童话作家之一,其作品带有明显的讽世意味。   亦是德国十九世纪著名的小说家和诗人,在德国文学史上是个彗星似的人物。   他生于1802年11月29日,1824年在神学院..


【人物简介】  笔名:大师   性别:男   身高:174   曾用笔名:莎翁,笔杆子,咸鱼居士,雨夜   其最喜欢雨夜这个笔名,据他讲:“我最喜欢在夜里听雨水落下的声音,轻快而有节奏,曼妙而富于变化,是人和自然最接近的一刻,他是大..


  ①约翰尼斯·延森(Johannes Vilhelm Jensen,1873-1950)丹麦小说家、诗人。   出生于西岸的西玛兰,父亲是位,延森在那里度过了他的童年和少年时代。从小学起,他就迷恋书本,尤其喜爱丹麦古典文学和北欧神话传说。西玛兰..