马斯·哈里斯(Thomas Harris),美国密西西比州人。曾任美联社驻纽约的记者兼编辑,负责编采美国和墨西哥的罪案,是一位信誉卓著的老牌新闻从业人员。他在1973年出版第一本小说《黑色星期天》,立即跃登畅销金榜,改编拍成电影,亦风靡全球。《红龙》(Roter Drache)和《汉尼拔》(Hannibal)是他的第二、第三本书,同样造成很大轰动,并被拍成电影。延续《红龙》主角人物——莱克特博士所写成的《沉默的羔羊》,除了荣获《纽约时报》、《出版家周刊》排行榜的双料冠军外,随着电影在全球各地一致叫好座、得奖频频,更使他的声誉如日中天!但是惜墨如金的他,却让全世界的读者引颈期待多年后,才终于推出莱克特博士三部曲的完结篇——《食人魔》。果然,这部最后的颠峰杰作,甫一出版立即轰动欧美,跃居畅销排行榜前茅,改编拍成电影,也同样缔造傲人的票房佳绩!其中以《沉默的羔羊》影响最大,曾跃登《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜榜首,进榜达数十周之久。根据这部小说改编的同名电影荣获1992年第64届奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳导演等5项金像奖。《华盛顿邮报》称他是『今日还在写作的最佳悬疑小说作家』,在当前悬疑和惊悚小说的领域里,托马斯·哈里斯无疑拥有至高无上、举足轻重的宗师地位!作品介绍
中文 名 红龙/沉默的赤龙/沉默的羔羊:前传◎片 名 RedDragon
◎年 代 2002
◎国 家 美国/德国
◎类 别 惊悚/犯罪
◎语 言 英语
◎字 幕 中文◎IMDB评分 7.3/10(37,248votes
片 长 124Min
◎导 演 布莱特·拉特纳BrettRatner
◎主 演 拉尔夫·费因斯RalphFiennes.....FrancisDolarhyde 安东尼·霍普金斯AnthonyHopkins.....Dr.HannibalLecter 爱德华·诺顿EdwardNorton.....WillGraham 哈威·凯特尔HarveyKeitel.....JackCrawford 艾米丽·沃森EmilyWatson 玛丽·露易斯·帕克Mary-LouiseParker 菲利普·塞默·霍夫曼PhilipSeymourHoffman 比尔·杜克BillDuke.....PoliceChief 马克·摩斯MarkMoses弗兰克·兰格拉FrankLangella 艾伦·鲍斯汀EllenBurstyn..... 弗兰克·威利FrankWhaley.....
剧情简介 本片是《沉默的羔羊》和《汉尼拔》的前传,事情发生在食人恶魔汉尼拔·莱克特博士(安东尼·霍普金斯)和克拉丽丝相识之前…… 威尔·格拉汉姆(爱德华·诺顿)是一名FBI调查员,他接受了一个连环杀人案件的侦破工作,冷酷无情的凶手在杀死每个受害者后,都切掉他们的喉咙部分,威尔怀疑凶手出于某种未知的精神原因而把割走的部位吃掉了。 随着调查工作的进展,威尔不得不求助已经被关进监狱的汉尼拔,希望汉尼拔能分析出凶手的心理动机,但是狡猾异常的汉尼拔利用做心理分析为诱饵,接近威尔后把他刺伤,在最危机的关头威尔出于自卫拔出手枪重创了汉尼拔。 若乾年后,汉尼拔被关进巴尔蒂摩精神医院中,作为犯罪行为研究的对象,而威尔也已经离开了联邦调查局,和家人搬到了东海岸的佛罗里达,直到有天,旧日同事杰克的突然来访打乱了他平静的生活——又一个变态连环杀手出现了。 相同的作案方式和手法让威尔一下子就联想到了自己几年前经手过的那个案子,显露出的证据渐渐把嫌疑集中在一个叫弗兰西斯·道拉海德(拉尔夫·菲恩斯)的神秘男子身上。任何行为的出现都有其潜在的心理原因,而这个手段残忍的凶手作案到底目的何在?只有洞悉这一切,才能顺藤摸瓜找出确凿证据将真正的杀人犯绳之以法。为了探询凶手的动机,威尔不得不重新面对他心底最大的恐惧,为了替无辜的受害者们伸张正义,他毅然决定回到巴尔蒂摩,又一次和汉尼拔让人不寒而栗的眼神正面相对…… 这次,威尔能从这个变态和聪明都到了极点的心理学博士口中,得到他想知道的吗?
◎幕后 续集似乎是一个常常被使用的万能电影招数,2002年的电影年鉴上,续集肯定是出现最多的词汇,《星球大战前传II》、《精灵鼠小弟II》、《指环王II》、《黑衣人II》、《哈里·波特II》……和《沉默的羔羊》及其续集《汉尼拔》一样,《红龙》这部小说也是出自美国著名侦破惊悚题材小说家托马斯·哈里斯(ThomasHarris),《红龙》出版于1981年,也是哈里斯创作的“汉尼拔”系列小说中的首部曲。当年《沉默的羔羊》一鸣惊人,但是恐怕谁也没想到,片中那个深不可测的食人教授汉尼拔在随后的几年中大红大紫,续集《汉尼拔》更是反客为主,把这个原本是配角的人物“发扬光大”,虽说没能延续当年《沉》片的的辉煌,但是票房上的佳绩也让制片人没少偷着乐。 “见好不收”是好莱坞的定律,于是在《汉尼拔》推出仅仅一年之后,《红龙》就又赶着秋季档期上映了。在这部倍受瞩目的巨作中,最引人注目的就是汇集了一批演技派超级明星,这些名字在众多铁杆影迷们听来更是一个比一个如雷贯耳,除了雷打不动的招牌人物——安东尼·霍普金斯以外,新崛起的演技派人物爱德华·诺顿、因《辛德勒的名单》、《英国病人》等片闻名影坛的拉尔夫·菲恩斯将在片中再次出演大反派,有了之前那个杀人如麻而冷酷嚣张的纳粹军官在前,谁还敢质疑英俊的菲恩斯是否能演好这个变态杀人犯?此外,知名演技派高手哈维·凯特尔(《钢琴课》)和艾米丽·沃特森(《破浪》)也将在片中出演角色。 在影片的编导方面,除了有托马斯·哈里斯的原着作为故事蓝本,剧组还找来了《沉默的羔羊》的编剧特德·泰利,导演则是曾是因指导《住家男人》、《金钱对话》和《尖峰时刻》系列而迅速走红的年轻新贵布莱特·拉特纳,在某种意义上说,拉特纳能否踏上好莱坞最当红、最有票房影响力的导演这个台阶,就看这部《红龙》能不能拿得出手了。 ◎花絮*制片人之一迪诺·德劳伦蒂斯曾在影片开拍前宣称,要在影片中大量使用计算机成相特技修饰霍普金斯的脸部,因为本片中的汉尼拔应该比在《沉默的羔羊》中至少年轻十岁,而更单靠化妆出来的视觉效果恐怕很难让挑剔的观众们信服,所以只好搬出高科技来帮忙。*《今日美国》曾有位记者报道说,有人说霍普金斯不想再继续饰演汉尼拔这个角色了,这个消息纯粹是子虚乌有的,霍普金斯一直对这个变态的食人恶魔角色非常热衷,甚至考虑到一直拍下去,把《沉默的羔羊》拍成一部像《十三号星期五》那样十集的系列电影(这位记者显然是在开玩笑,十年后的汉尼拔得老成什么样了?还玩吃人?咬得动吗?)*在影片选角的时候,有一个非常盛行的流言,那就是制片人考虑用一名年轻演员出演汉尼拔,而这个人选就是有着好莱坞最俊美脸孔的裘德·洛,不过最终这个说法还是没有下文了。*在本片拍摄上映前,有观众给电影杂志写信,询问为什么有另外一部李连杰主演的电影,片名也叫《红龙》?一查之下,才知道此红龙非彼红龙,李连杰的那部《红龙》其实是他1994年的影片《新少林五祖》在美国上映时的片名。*其实早在这部影片问世之前,小说《红龙》就曾经被搬上过银幕,那就是1986年着名导演迈克尔·曼曾拍摄过的《猎人者》(Manhunter),而布莱恩·考克斯也成为了第一个扮演“汉尼拔博士”的演员,可惜这部片子在当时并没有引起多大的反响。
The Silence of the Lambs
惊悚 / 犯罪
118 分钟
Dolby SR
Hong Kong:III Finland:K-18 Singapore:PG Australia:M Germany:16 Norway:15 Sweden:15 USA:R Canada:R Australia:MA Ireland:18 Japan:R-15 Norway:18 Spain:18 UK:18 Australia:R Canada:18 Italy:VM14 Canada:16 Chile:18 France:-16 Netherlands:16 Peru:18 Singapore:R Argentina:16 Ireland:15 Denmark:15 Israel:18
乔纳森·戴默 Jonathan Demme
Thomas Harris .....(novel)
Ted Tally .....(screenplay)
朱迪·福斯特 Jodie Foster .....Clarice Starling
安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins .....Dr. Hannibal Lecter
斯科特·格林 Scott Glenn .....Jack Crawford
布鲁克·史密斯 Brooke Smith .....Catherine Martin
乔治·A·罗梅罗 George A. Romero .....FBI Agent in Memphis (uncredited)
Anthony Heald .....Dr. Frederick Chilton
Ted Levine .....Jame 'Buffalo Bill' Gumb
Frankie Faison .....Barney Matthews
卡斯·莱蒙斯 Kasi Lemmons .....Ardelia Mapp
保罗·拉扎 Paul Lazar .....Pilcher
homas HarrisLike the serial killers that terrorize people in his novels Red Dragon and The Silence of the Lambs, Thomas Harris is an enigma. Information on his life is scarce and difficult to find, and that seems to be the way that Harris, author of three huge national bestsellers, likes it, but as with those elusive serial killers, a little information can be discovered that leads to a greater picture of the man as a whole.
This much is known about Thomas Harris. He was born in Jackson, Tennessee, in 1940, but at a very young age, his family moved to his father’s hometown of Rich, Mississippi, so his father could become a farmer. He lived and attended school there until he left for Baylor University in Waco, Texas. While pursuing an English major by day and working as a reporter at the News-Tribune by night, he met and married a fellow student named Harriet. They had one daughter, Anne, before they divorced in the 1960s.
Harris began to pursue his writing career at this point, sending macabre stories to magazines like True and Argosy. According to friends, these stories exhibited many typical Harris trademarks, most notably his incredible attention to detail. When he graduated in 1964, he spent a brief period of time traveling through Europe before he began a job working for the Associated Press in New York, where he was a general-assignment reporter from 1968 to 1974. It was this job that would give him valuable insights into the world of crime, which he covered daily. It also led to the writing of his first novel.
Black Sunday, published in 1975, is the story of a group of Arab terrorists who with the aid of a Vietnam veteran commandeer the Goodyear Blimp and use it in an attempt to bomb the Super Bowl. The idea for the story was concocted by Harris and two other reporters from work, Sam Maull and Dick Riley. They initially researched and began writing together, but eventually Harris took over the project. The book was sold to Putnam, and the three split the advances. It was Harris, however, who would reap the rewards of the novel. The novel received mixed reviews but became a bestseller and a popular movie, and suddenly, Harris had a new career on his hands.
After the book’s release, he devoted himself full-time to writing fiction. Unlike some suspense writers who crank out a new book each fall, Harris spends an exorbitant amount of time researching each book, striving for perfection. For that reason, his next novel, Red Dragon, was not completed until six years later in 1981. The novel tells the story of an FBI agent’s search for a serial killer. More importantly, it introduced Harris’ most popular character to the world: psychiatrist turned psychotic Hannibal “The Cannibal” Lecter, a man with a unique idea about what a prime cut of meat is. Red Dragon was turned into a popular movie by Michael Mann and paved the way for Harris’ most popular novel, The Silence of the Lambs.
The Silence of the Lambs, released in 1988, is considered by many to be a masterpiece of suspense. It tells the story of a female FBI trainee named Clarice Starling’s search for a crazed killer named Buffalo Bill, who is killing young women so he can use their skin to make a coat. In her quest, she comes across Lecter, who knows a lot about Buffalo Bill and is willing to trade information of his whereabouts for information about Clarice. The novel delves deep into the minds of madmen, showing that they can be mad and brilliant at the same time. It also paints a realistic portrait of a strong-willed female that has to let down her defenses and make herself vulnerable in order to capture a killer.
The novel, like Harris’ others, was a big bestseller, but it also turned into a nationwide phenomenon when Jonathan Demme adapted it to film. The film received outstanding reviews and became a box-office smash, saving movie company Orion from impending bankruptcy. All three of Harris’ books enjoyed a revival with the success of the movie, but it did not stop there. After garnering numerous Academy Award nominations, The Silence of the Lambs became only the third movie ever to win the top five awards: best actor (Anthony Hopkins), best actress (Jodie Foster), best screenplay (Ted Tally), best director (Demme), and best picture. All five were deserving, but none more so than Hopkins, whose portrayal of Lecter was sheer brilliance.
In 1999, Harris published the long-awaited sequel to The Silence of the Lambs, aptly titled Hannibal. Though critics were divided in their reaction to the novel, it too was made into a lucrative motion picture starring Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter.
(Article updated May 2001)
—William Streibling
Related Links ' Info
* Black Sunday. New York: Putnam, 1975.
* Red Dragon. New York: Putnam, 1981.
* The Silence of the Lambs. New York: St. Martin’s, 1988.
* Hannibal. New York: Delacorte Press, 1999.
Motion Pictures:
* Black Sunday. Dir. John Frankenheimer. Paramount, 1977.
* Manhunter. Based on the novel Red Dragon. Dir. Michael Mann. De Laurentiis Entertainment Group, 1986.
* The Silence of the Lambs. Dir. Jonathan Demme. Orion, 1991.
* Hannibal. Dir. Ridley Scott. MGM Pictures/Universal Pictures, 2001.
* Red Dragon. Adapted by Christopher Johnson. Performed by Chicago’s Centerstage theater group.
Audio Books:
* Red Dragon. Simon ' Schuster Audio.
* The Silence of the Lambs. Simon ' Schuster Audio. 2 cassettes (3 hours). Abridged.
Biographical Sources:
* Hoban, Phoebe. “The Silence of the Writer.” New York (15 April 1991): 48.
Selected Book Reviews and Criticism:
* Dameron, J. Lasley. “Edgar Allan Poe, Stephen King, and Other Contemporaries.” Odense American Studies International Series 6 (1993): 1-21.
* Fowler, Douglas. “The Aesthete as Serial Killer: Dr. Lecter.” Notes on Contemporary Literature 25.1 (January 1995): 2-3.
* Grixti, Joseph. “Consuming Cannibals: Psychopathic Killers as Archetypes and Cultural Icons.” Journal of American Culture 18.1 (Spring 1995): 87-96.
* Kotker, Joan G. “It’s Scarier at the Movies: Jonathan Demme’s Adaptation of The Silence of the Lambs.” It’s a Print!: Detective Fiction from Page to Screen. Eds. William Reynolds and Elizabeth A. Trembley. Bowling Green, OH: Popular, 1994. 195-206.
* Kurman, George. “Escape Reading: Cheever’s Falconer, Dumas’ Count, and Dr. Lecter.” Notes on Contemporary Literature 23.3 (May 1993): 2-4.
* Magistrale, Tony. “Transmorgrified Gothic: The Novels of Thomas Harris.” A Dark Night’s Dreaming: Contemporary American Horror Fiction. Eds. Tony Magistrale and Michael A. Morrison. Understanding Contemporary American Literature Series. Columbia: U of South Carolina P, 1996. 27-41.
* McCarron, Bill. “The Silence of the Lambs as Secular Eurcharist.” Notes on Contemporary Literature 25.1 (January 1995): 5-6.
* Messent, Peter. “American Gothic: Liminality in Thomas Harris’s Hannibal Lecter Novels.” Journal of American and Comparative Cultures 23.4 (Winter 2000): 23-35.
* Murphy, Kathleen. “Communion.” Film Comment (January-February 1991): 31.
* “Red Dragon.” New Yorker. (18 January 1982): 130.
* Sanders, Joe. “At the Frontiers of the Fantastic: Thomas Harris’s The Silence of the Lambs.” New York Review of Science Fiction 39 (November 1991): 1, 3-6.
* Simpson, Philip. “The Contagion of Murder: Thomas Harris’ Red Dragon.” Notes on Contemporary Literature 25.1 (January 1995): 6-8.
* Strouse, Jean. “Red Dragon.” Newsweek (9 November 1981): 105.
* Williams, Tony. “Through a Dark Mirror: Red Dragon’s Gaze.” Notes on Contemporary Literature 25.1 (January 1995): 8-10.
* Ziegler, Robert. “Incorporation and Rebirth in The Silence of the Lambs.” Notes on Contemporary Literature 23.2 (March 1993): 7-9.
Internet Resources
Author Information:
* The Official Thomas Harris Web Site, described as “the only site on the Web authorized by the author and developed with his cooperation and input.” Presented by Random House.
Online Reviews and Criticism:
* “The Shrieking of the Lambs,” by Andrew Klavan. Boston Review 19.3 (1996).
Book and Author Information:
* Thomas Harris Filmography from the Internet Movie Database