
  Ben Jonson本·琼森(1572~1637)
  英国诗人,剧作家,评论家 。1572年6月11日生于。主要诗集有《格言诗》、《森林集》、《灌木集》等曾就学于古代史学者坎姆登,并在其资助下到威斯敏斯特学校读书,获得关于希腊、罗马文学的丰富知识。后又博览群书,成为当时学识最渊博的剧作家之一。
  琼森写了18部戏剧,除两部罗马历史悲剧《西亚努斯的覆灭》和《卡塔林的阴谋》之外,大都是社会讽刺喜剧。其剧作遵循古典主义原则,并有强烈的道德倾向。剧中对当时社会恶劣风习的尖锐批评曾使他两次被捕入狱。一次是因与T.纳什合写讽刺时事、现已佚失的《狗岛》,此剧的演出还导致了伦敦剧场的暂时关闭 ; 另一次是因与 C. 马斯顿合写《向东方去》 ,剧中批评了詹姆斯一世的政治 。1598年的《人人高兴》 和1599 年的 《人人扫兴》 是琼森根据气质论( 中世纪所谓4种不同气质产生不同性格的生理学学说 )创作的癖性喜剧。后者因戏拟马斯顿的风格导致了剧场之战,其间有几位戏剧家争以写戏相互攻讦,琼森为此又写了《辛西娅的狂欢》和《冒牌诗人》。
  Benjamin Jonson was born 1571 as the posthumous son of a Protestant minister. His mother then moved him to Westminster, where she married a bricklayer. He attended a free parish school as a boy, and thanks to the sponsorship of the headmaster, was able to attend Westminster Grammar School. Unofortunately, Ben lost his scholarship and was forced to take up bricklaying alongside his stepfather. This occupation did not appeal to him, and he left for military duty in Flanders and did not return to England until 1592. He married in 1594, and joined a touring acting company in 1597. Ben Jonson and another playwright then wrote a play called 'Isle of Dogs' which was immediately banned on charges of sedition, and he and his friends found themselves in Fleet Prison. He was released after a few months and managed to restart his acting career. In December of 1598 he fought a duel with another actor named Gabriel Spencer; fortunately for Ben, he won, but unfortunately, he was imprisoned on charges of murder and given the death sentence. He managed to escape the gallows and returned to playwriting. He set out on foot in 1618 to visit Scotland and on his return began lecturing on rhetoric at colleges. He died in 1637 and was buried in Westminster Abbey; his epitaph reads: 'Oh Rare Ben Jonson!'
  风格详见诗Song to Celia:本诗为英国剧作家、诗人本·琼生(Ben Jonson,1572—1637)所作。他的诗的特点在于明快,文字干净,已有后来古典主义诗歌的特点。To Celia 是一首很有名的抒情诗,赞美的是精神爱(Platonic love),曾谱成音乐。Celia女子名。
  Song to Celia
  Drink to me only with thine eyes2,
  And I will pledge3 with mine;
  Or leave a kiss but in the cup4
  And I'll not look for wine.
  The thirst that from the soul doth5 rise
  Doth ask a drink divine6;
  But might I of Jove's nectar sup7,
  I would not change for thine.
  I sent thee8 late9 a rosy wreath,
  Not so much honouring10 thee
  As giving it a hope that there
  It could not wither'd be11;
  But thou thereon didst only breathe12
  And sent'st it back to me;
  Since when13 it grows,and smells,I swear,
  Not of itself but thee14!
  1.本诗为英国剧作家、诗人本·琼生(Ben Jonson,1572—1637)所作。他的诗的特点在于明快,文字干净,已有后来古典主义诗歌的特点。To Celia 是一首很有名的抒情诗,赞美的是精神爱(Platonic love),曾谱成音乐。Celia女子名。
  2.Drink to me only with thine eyes 只需用你的眼睛为我祝酒
  thine thy,你的[古]
  3.pledge drink a toast,祝酒
  4.leave a kiss but in the cup=leave a kiss only in the cup 以吻代酒
  5.doth doos,由于音节需要而用的垫词,非加强语气。
  6.drink divine divine drink,词序颠倒是为了诗韵的需要。
  7.But might I of Jove's nectar sup=if I might sup some of Jove's nectar.
  might I= if I might
  Jove Jupiter,丘比特(罗马神话中的主神)
  8.thee[古] thoy 的宾格,你、汝
  9.late(此处) lately
  10.honouring in order to honour
  11.As giving it a hope that there it could not wither'd be 这一句的正常语序应是:As giving it a hope that there it could not be wither'd.
  there with you,即戴在你头上
  wither'd be be wither'd,顺序颠倒为押韵的需要。that there it could not wither'd be是hope的同位语,意为:希望戴在你的头上永不枯萎。
  12.But thou thereon didt only breather=But if you merely breathe on it.
  didst brcathe 现在虚拟式(下行的 sen'st同。)
  13.since when then
  14.Not of itself but thee!
  of itself=by itself
  but thee=but of thee=on account of you 整个意思为:花环由于你而生长,由于你而散发出芬芳。
  VOLPONE. Good morning to the day; and next, my gold!
  Open the shrine, that I may see my saint.
  (Mosca opens the curtain that hides much treasure)
  Hail the world's soul, and mine! more glad than is
  The teeming earth to see the longed-for sun
  Peep through the horns of the celestial ram,
  Am I, to view thy splendour darkening his;
  That lying here, amongst my other hoardes,
  Show'st like a flame by night, or like the day
  Struck out by chaos, when all darkness fled
  Unto the centre. O thou son of Sol,
  But brighter than thy father, let me kiss,
  With adoration, thee, and every relic
  Of sacred treasure in this blessed room.
  Well did wise poets by thy glorious name
  Title that age which they would have the best;
  Thou being the best of things, and far transcending
  All style of joy, in children, parents, friends,
  Or any other waking dream on earth.
  Thy looks when they to Venus did ascribe,
  They should have given her twenty thousand Cupids,
  Such are thy beauties and our loves! Dear saint,
  Riches, the dumb god, that givest all men tongues,
  That canst do nought, and yet mak'st men do all things;
  The price of soul; even hell, with thee to boot,
  Is made worth heaven. Thou art virtue, fame,
  Honour and all things else. Who can get thee,
  He shall be noble, valiant, honest, wise--
  Come, my Celia, let us prove,
  While we can, the sports of love;
  Time will not be ours forever,
  He at length our good will sever;
  Spend not then his gifts in vain.
  Suns that set may rise again;
  But if once we lose this light,
  'Tis with us perpetual night.
  Why should we defer our joys?
  Fame and rumour are but toys.
  Cannot we delude the eyes
  Of a few poor household spies?
  Or his easier ears beguile,
  Thus removed by our wile? '
  Tis no sin love's fruits to steal;
  But the sweet theft to reveal,
  To be taken, to be seen,
  Those have crimes accounted been.



  荣荣,著名,原名褚佩荣。祖籍,1964年出生于。1984年毕业于化学系。1997年加入。现为《文学港》杂志副主编。先后做过教师、公务员。现任《文学港》杂志社供职。中国作家协会员,参加过诗刊社第十届青春诗会。   曾获..


  简介   张船山(1764-1814),清代四川遂宁籍著名诗人、书画家,名问陶,字仲冶,号船山,自号蜀山老猿、亦称老船。其高祖张鹏翮(1649-1725),清代康熙、雍正朝名臣,官至大学士、吏部尚书,《》有传;曾祖张懋诚(1667-1737),官至通政使、署..


1、历史人物(清)  []字功尹,人,寓吴县(今江苏苏州)。善花卉。作有《所居在廉让之间斋随笔》、《吴门画史》。2、济南市文联副主席  笔 名: 袁之、振荣   性 别: 男   出生年月: 1928   民 族: 汉族   人。中..







  吴沃尧(1866~1910) 近代小说家。又名宝震,字小允,号茧人,后又改“茧”为“趼”。祖籍佛山镇(今佛山市),故自称我佛山人。因祖父官于京师,父随侍任所,所以他生于北京。两岁时,祖父病故,随父返回家乡。光绪八年(1882),17岁时,..