

  发 音 hòu lái jū shàng
  释 义 居:处于。后来的超过先前的。有以称赞后起之秀超过前辈。
  出 处 西汉·司马迁《史记·汲郑列传》汲黯对汉武帝说:“陛下用群臣,如积薪耳,后来者居上。”
  示 例 今老矣,乐不预少年文酒之会,~,又不知其为谁?(清·纪昀《阅微草堂笔记》卷二十四)
  用 法 主谓式;作谓语、定语;指后者胜前者
  反义词 一代不如一代
  歇后语 刀茅变枪炮
  灯 谜 砌墙;迭罗汉;一楼客满;武则天称帝
  小染 亲笔,




  The Latecomers Surpass the Old-timers
  This set phrase is derived from the complaints Ji An made to the emperor.
  Ji Anlived at the time of Emperor Wudi of the Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D.24). He was respected for being upright and just and for daring to speak the truth. He did not bother about amall matters in personal behaviour and in being an official. He was particular about actual effects and ,although he did not cause a stir ,he could keep the prefecture he governed in perfect order. Because of this. the imperial court transferred him to the central government from being the perfect of the Donghai Prefecture to being a commander in charge of the appointment and dismissal of the local officals.
  Once,Emperor Wudi said that he would implement the policy of benevolence and justice of Confucianism and would do good turns to the people.Emperor Wudi Had hardly finished his remards when Ji An said that there was no need for the emperor to say so.Why should the emperor bother,Ji An said, about pretending to implement the policy of benevolence and justice since he was so greedy and avaricious within himself? This choked the emperor off. The emperor suddenly Changed his countenance and declared the meeting over. All the civilian and military officers at court were breathless with anxiety for fear that Ji An might bring disaster upon himself because of this. After returning, Emperor Wudi said to the people around him that Ji An was a little too rude and too straightforward.
  For this reason ,Ji An was never promoted again. When he was the commander in charge of the appointment and dismissal of the local officials, both Gongsun Hong and Zhang Tang were low -ranking lfficials of little importance. Later ,they were promoted continuously. Gongsun Hong became the prime minister and Zhang Tang became the imperial censor. However, JiAn's post remained thesame. One day, Ji An said to Emperor Wudi that the way the emperor used his ministers was just like piling up firewood, which meant that the latecomers surpassed the old-timers. Of course, Emperor Wudi could see that Ji An was complaining. So,turning to his ministers, Emperor Wudi said, 'It is true that no one can stop learning.You see, Ji An is making more and more indiscreet remarks.'
  This story comes from The Historical Records. Later generations use the set phrase 'the latecomers surpass the old-timers ' to indicate that successors can cxcel the predecessors, which is quite different from the original idea when Ji An said that the latecomers surpassed the old-timers.



  文人墨客 ( wén rén mò kè )   解 释 泛指文人、文士。同“”。   出处:清·韩邦庆《海上花列传》:“而那些封建旧文化培养出来的文人墨客、风流雅士,置国事于不问,整天吃花酒,作艳诗。”   示例:~大概是..


  读音:dà chè dà wù   注释:形容彻底醒悟。   出处:清·《老残游记续编》第四回:“到这时候,我仿佛大彻大悟了不是?”   范例: 这一回,得看你是不是~,决心离开下流社会,迈步走进上流社会了。(《苦斗》四三)   近义..


发 音  duì zhèng xià yào释 义  症:病症;下药:用药。针对病症用药。比喻针对事物的问题所在,采取有效的措施。出 处  《三国志·魏志·华佗传》:“府吏倪寻、李延共止,俱头痛身热,所苦正同。佗曰:‘寻当下之,延当发..





【注 音】  wú niú chuǎn yuè【释 义】  吴牛:指产于江淮间的水牛。吴牛指江淮一带的水牛,吴地天气多炎暑,水牛怕热,见到月亮以为是太阳,故卧地望月而喘。比喻因疑心而害怕,也比喻人遇事过分惧怕,而失去了判断的能力..


  成语发音:yù rǔ yú chéng   成语释义:汝:你。玉汝:像爱惜玉一样爱护、帮助你。爱你如玉,帮助你,使你成功。多用于艰难困苦条件下。   北宋哲学家张载说过:“富贵福祥,将厚吾之主也,贫贱忧戚,庸玉汝于成也。”这..