《我们和你们:中国和以色列友好故事集:stories of China and Lsrael friendships》内容简




高秋福、何北剑、姚振宪编著的《我们和你们( 中国和以色列友好故事集)(英文版)》讲述了:the chinese nation and jewish nation represent two major ancient civilizations in the world, and their contacts were started when the ancient jews fled to china. from then on, china was a country where the jews having lost their motherland for a time could live and work in peace and contentment. during the massacre by nazi, shanghai was the only big city in the world accepting jew refugees. in china, the chinese people and the jews treated each other friendly for about 1,000 years, and in the war against the fascists, they supported each other, leaving a historical chapter in the chinese-jews friendship. on jan. 24, 1992, china and israel established diplomatic relations, starting a new page in the relations of the two countries and two peoples. over 22 years since establishing diplomatic relations, abundant results have been achieved in the economic and scientific and technological cooperation between china and israel and humanistic and culture exchanges have also been flourishing in rapid development. we organized these 12 stories, and they exhibited vividly to the readers the profound friendship between our two countries and two peoples.





《中国古代书法赏析(全彩版线装) 中国传世楷书》内容简介|作者

内容简介  书法是汉字的书写艺术。在漫长的历史长河中,汉字既起着思想交流、文化继承等重要的社会作用,它本身又形成了一种独特的造型艺术。中国的书法艺术博大精深,它的形成、发展与汉文字的产生与演进存在着密不可分..


内容简介本书为“彩色放大本中国著名碑帖”系列,该系列底本好,印制精,大8开,为首次彩色放大本,并延请专家释文,方便读者研究学习,尤其适合书法爱好者对帖临摹。 书籍特色 在安..



内容简介 本书为“彩色放大本中国著名碑帖”系列,该系列底本好,印制精,大8开,为首次彩色放大本,并延请专家释文,方便读者研究学习,尤其适合书法爱好者对帖临摹。 书籍特色 本..


内容简介本书为 彩色放大本中国著名碑帖 系列,该系列底本好,印制精,大8开,为首次彩色放大本,并延请专家释文,方便读者研究学习,尤其适合书法爱好者对帖临摹。 书籍特色 "彩色..


内容简介书籍特色 代表盛唐气象的颜真卿楷书朴拙雄浑,大气磅礴,被称为 颜体 。其《颜勤礼碑》真通篆隶,笔势圆劲,气态质厚,如端人正士,不可亵视。此碑宋时见传,宋人《金石録》《..