多杰 旺姆 旺楚克王太后用朴实美妙的语言描述一段难忘的旅行经验,中间穿插对不丹历史的回顾,和对人与自然间和谐共处、生活和社会进步的赞美与向往。这本书让人们知道这个神奇的王国保留着珍贵的社会价值观念,那就是让人民生活在充满善意、诚实和对居住环境和周边人群怀有敬意中,*重要的是生活在平和的心境中。two extremes it is perceived either as a paradise on earth or
as a country completely isolated from the rest of the world and
trapped in a time warp. Neither image is true. But it is true
that Bhutan is like no other place in the world. Its spectacular
natural beauty and pristine environment, its fabulous architecture
and living spiritual culture, and its wise king whose unique
philosophy of governance measures the country s progress多杰 旺姆 旺楚克王太后用朴实美妙的语言描述一段难忘的旅行经验,中间穿插对不丹历史的回顾,和对人与自然间和谐共处、生活和社会进步的赞美与向往。这本书让人们知道这个神奇的王国保留着珍贵的社会价值观念,那就是让人民生活在充满善意、诚实和对居住环境和周边人群怀有敬意中,*重要的是生活在平和的心境中。The outside world s reactions to Bhutan tend to swing between
two extremes it is perceived either as a paradise on earth or
as a country completely isolated from the rest of the world and
trapped in a time warp. Neither image is true. But it is true
that Bhutan is like no other place in the world. Its spectacular
natural beauty and pristine environment, its fabulous architecture
and living spiritual culture, and its wise king whose unique
philosophy of governance measures the country s progress
and development not by its gross domestic product (GDP) but
its gross national happiness (GNH) this is the stuff of which
legends, and romantic flights of fancy, are born.