类似于一个汉堡掉进饭碗里,既难堪窘迫,又别具一格,我富有想象力,成长在美国中西部,现在居住在中国,一个既让我着迷又让我迷惑的世界,试图在这里寻找自己的立足点。《你好米饭我是汉堡》描述阿文(史密斯 凯文)在中国的许多亲身的经验。开启一段欢闹、衷心的旅程,在通过一系列有洞见的或至少有趣的故事和散文,从一个外国人视角捕捉着中国生活。如同本书的书名:以一个轻松然而坦诚的态度,作者用中英文编写,希望缩小两个世界的文化上的差异。与此同时,这本书鼓励排除语言障碍,使用一种不是母语的语言进行阅读与编写 。 Editorial Review/Book summary:Akin to dropping a hamburger into a rice bowl,an awkward, yet unique fit, an over-imaginative Midwest American tries to findhis footing throughout the Middle Kingdom, a world he finds both bewitching andbefuddling. Hello, Rice, I'm Hamburger describes his manycircumstances as A'wen (Kevin Smith) experiences life in the China. Join him onthis hilarious, and heartfelt journey through a series of insightful, or at thevery least, entertaining stories and essays capturing life in China from aforeign perspective. Written in both Chinese and English by the author, A wenhopes to narrow the cultural gap between the two different worlds in a light,yet frank manner as encapsulated in the book s title. At the same time, thebook hopes to encourage students on both sides of the language barrier toattempt to read and write in a language that isn t their own.
作者简介:作为前社会工作者,并拥有心理学的教育背景,史密斯 凯文已经热忱地观察人类的行为很久了。十多年来,他在中国(广西北海、云南昆明、上海)居住、学习和工作。既当过老师,也当过留学生,从桌子前与后,他认识和见证了中国的独特教育系统。作为商人与热心的旅行者,凯文穿梭往来中国各个城市,从东岸的闪烁着满是摩天大楼的大城市,到中部地区好像被时间所遗忘的设施简陋的城镇和村庄。作为一位发表过文章的美食评论家,他有机会熟悉中国八大菜系。通过他的多姿多彩的经历,让凯文进一步理解这国家既有深度又复杂的习惯和风俗。目前史密斯 凯文和他的中国老婆在上海居住。Aboutthe Author:Asa former social worker with an educational background in psychology, KevinSmith has long had a passion for observing human behavior. He has lived,studied, and worked in China (Guangxi, Beihai, Yunnan, Kunming, Shanghai) formore than a decade. As a student and teacher, he has witnessed China s uniqueeducation system from both in front of and behind the school desk. As abusinessman and an avid traveller, Kevin has regularly criss-crossed thecountry, from the gleaming, skyscraper-filled cities of the east coast, to thetrapped-in-time, one-horse towns and villages of the heartland. As a publishedrestaurant critic, he has had the opportunity to familiarize himself with China seight major cuisines. From his unique experiences, Kevin has developed a betterappreciation for the depth and complexityof the nation s many habits and customs. Kevin Smith is currently living inShanghai with his Chinese wife.
内容简介 好的幻想小说都是成长小说,它长久不衰的魅力,在于它能帮孩子处理成长过程中必须面对的内心冲突。它是一面镜子,能照出孩子的自我;是孩子们演练内心冲突的一个舞台;是一次孩子们的自我发现之旅。 日本大幻想文学..
内容简介书籍特色 这是一套对英文字母、单词、短语、句子、文章书法练习的字帖,根据习字者的书法水平和英语程度,由浅入深,由易到难,通过循序渐进的练习,帮助习字者快速提高书..
内容简介书籍特色 为传承和发扬传统文化,江西美术出版社北京分社推出《中国历代名碑名帖精选》系列图书,让我们从这里抵达华夏文明的深处。 书法艺术是中华文化瑰宝,古人..
内容简介书籍特色 广大学生和书法爱好者书写汉字,力求规范、端正、整洁,能用钢笔熟练地书写正楷字,逐步提高书写速度,规范书写习惯。随着国家对传统文化越来越重视,写一手好的..
内容简介本书由僧人怀仁集王羲之书而成。怀仁从唐内府所藏王羲之书迹及民间王字遗墨中集《圣教序》, 历时二十四年。前人评价此碑: “天衣无缝, 胜于自运”, “逸少真迹, 咸萃其中”。由于王羲之真迹不存, 此碑是后人..
内容简介本书精选历代著名碑帖 (自殷商至近代) 影印出版, 纵贯中国书法史, 更加精当合理, 底本注重艺术性与版本价值相结合, 是广大读者学习书法艺术的首选法帖。碑高一丈一尺三寸六分, 宽四尺八寸五分。字共三十行,..