

The rapid development of China’s economy has seen increasing demand for foreign language training in Chinese companies and organizations. This book aims to develop and test a project-based foreign language training model for Chinese employees. The model aims to develop the ability of foreign language training suppliers to establish a management strategy for project-based training involving international educational communication. It has generated a number of successful outcomes through the justification of the novel model which include individual project creation, developing foreign language programmes, training needs analysis, pedagogic design, joint evaluation and decision making. These contributions will add updated knowledge to education management and also enable further value to international educational institutions and practitioners.



Dr. Zhou Zhen is a professor of English at Ningxia University. He has served as both Dean of the School of Foreign Languages and Cultures and the Executive Director of Ningxia University – Shimane University International Joint Research Centre. He is also general secretary of the Foreign Languages’ Teaching and Research Association of Ningxia Higher Education and peer reviewer for Linguistics and Literature Studies. His research interests are pedagogy, second language acquisition, research methodology for social science and language educational management. The author received his PhD in language management jointly awarded by Nottingham Trent University and Southampton Solent University. He has published extensively in his research areas. He is the author of 25 academic articles and has published four books. He has chaired and completed 9 research projects funded by either the national or provincial government. He also participated in two international projects from the UK and France for which he has contributed to the completed outcomes. Dr. Zhou Zhen’s contributions to English language learning and teaching have led to invitations to address diverse local, national and international academic conferences.



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