《A Srrvey of Chinas Post-1980s Generation-中国80年调查-(英文)》内容简介|作者



  本书讲述的是一个又一个80后年轻人的生活轨迹。在改革开放和计划生育政策实施后出生的80后,是一直亲眼见证并经历着当代中国在改革开放后日渐发展崛起并与之一同成长的特殊的新一代。他们的七情六欲是否超越了其他群体,是否有着这一群体共同的某些特性。作者基于对80后身份和命运的强烈认同感,用纪实文学的手法展示了当下80后的八个方面:爱情、孩子、就业、房子、亲情、选择、责任、梦想,每个方面选取了三个人物的真实故事,其中有喜有悲,有惆怅也有无奈,还夹杂了希望、坚定、执著等不同情绪。  this book tracks the lives of many of the young people of thepost-1980s generation.t  he post-1980s were born after reform and opening-up in 1978, andthe implementation of china’s family planning policy. it is aunique new generation, witness to – as well as experiencing andgrowing up with – the development and reemergence of china from thevery onset of the reform and opening-up process. people wonderwhether the desires of this generation go beyond others, or if theypossess certain common characteristics as a group.  based on a strong recognition of a post-1980s identity anddestiny, the author decided to adopt a documentary mode ofliterature to illustrate eight aspects of this group’s lives,namely, love, children, work, home, family love, choices,responsibilities, and dreams. for each of these aspects, hepresents the reader with the life stories of three individuals.readers may find in their stories, joy along with sadness, sorrowand helplessness, mingled with hope, resolve, determination, andother sentiments.  as these true stories come alive before their eyes, readers mightfind themselves both touched and shocked.


  段东涛,男,中国山东济南人,是一位作家、画家及影视制片人,八零后,毕业于上海师范大学美术学院绘画系中国画专业,获文学学士学位。  大学毕业后从事过记者、艺术策展人、唱片及影视策划及推广等工作,现在是中国一家影视公司的总经理,是电影、电视剧的制片人。  Duan Dongtao, from Jinan, Shandong Province, is a writer andartist, as well as movie and television director, born in the1980s. He graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, in ShanghaiNormal University, with a major in Chinese painting, and received aBachelor of Arts degree.  After graduation, Duan Chuntao used to work as a journalist, finearts curator, as well as designing and promoting CDs, films andtelevision programs. He is now the general director of a film andtelevision company, and is also a film and televisionproducer.



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内容简介本书由僧人怀仁集王羲之书而成。怀仁从唐内府所藏王羲之书迹及民间王字遗墨中集《圣教序》, 历时二十四年。前人评价此碑: “天衣无缝, 胜于自运”, “逸少真迹, 咸萃其中”。由于王羲之真迹不存, 此碑是后人..


内容简介本书精选历代著名碑帖 (自殷商至近代) 影印出版, 纵贯中国书法史, 更加精当合理, 底本注重艺术性与版本价值相结合, 是广大读者学习书法艺术的首选法帖。碑高一丈一尺三寸六分, 宽四尺八寸五分。字共三十行,..