
'The book is well written in an easy to understand yet meticulously researched format laced with evidence and illustrations to expose the inner working of the advanced fee fraud operation. A good work that will do the uniformed a lot of good and a death knell to fraudsters.'

Ryan, truck driver

'Absolutely necessary for the reading public to stem the scourge of 419ners in our global village or society. It's a book that you should bring to the attention of business executives, adventurous and fun loving adults, students, the house wife, the pensioner. It may be the best gift in modern times for a birthday, graduation and wedding or at an anniversary.'

Tony Ogwu - newspaper columnist and writer

'Any reader of the work has the key to unlocking the secrets of 419 operations, do legitimate business without falling into the hands of tricksters and a good spur to join the local effort to dismantle advance fee fraud machinery.'

Charles Mills - a victim and small business owner

'The writer is a professional banker who has dealt with the issue of scamming people, he delves into the underbelly of crimes against man, institutions and citizens with great fervor, knowledge to help those amongst us to be pulled out of the web of fraudsters. A must read for everyone.

Baruch Moran, Nurse

'This is an earth shaking work and mother of all exposure on advance fee fraud. The book keeps you on top of scams and you can never be conned. It is an RIP to fraudsters and their accomplices.'

Cassandra Beckley, housewife

'Whatever is worth knowing about advance fee fraud scams that is not in this book isn't worth knowing.'

Ella Mellitta, artist

'This is a beautiful write up, a piece of good reading, offering advice to potential investors and giving insight to fraudulent activities of 419 scammers. Every reader will find it very revealing, insightful and relevant in their pursuit for better living standards in a country infested by hawks that prey on innocent and hardworking citizens.'

Pastor Peter Duke

'This is a book that has come at the proper time to expose the evil of scams going on all over the world. It is authoritative, will certainly trouble the fraudsters with its telling account by victims and exposure of the operations and their net works. Well timed to relieve the name of hard working people the world over.'

John Tobin





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内容简介书籍特色 本书主题是 选题、集聚、平台、整合、功能,是科技与金融的发展逻辑 , 其中, 选题 平台 元素,是逻辑链的前提与关键,本书通过杨浦科技金融功能区建设案例来..


内容简介本文聚焦于农村家庭金融资产选择, 从金融排斥和社会资本角度对农村家庭金融市场参与决策、金融资产配置状态及其对消费行为的影响等问题进行深入研究。 书籍特色..

