In this book you will meet such luminaries as Zhang Yin, chairwoman of the Nine Dragons Papers (ttoldings) Co., the largest packaging manufaeturer, and Lu Gnanqiu, who turned a small filrm machinery workshop four decades ago into China's largest auto parts manufacturer, with sales of $ 7 billion in "oo7. You can also hear how Song Zhenghuan switched from a math teacher to become founder of a company that is one of the largest suppliers of baby strollers sold in the United States
And, it doesn't stop there. CttlNA INC. features more than thirty incredible feats of entre-preneurial success resulting fl'om the China's economic reform policies of the past thirty years. Lei ,lufang, an award-winning scientist who rediscovered ancient Tibetan medicine used her knowledge to create medical products sold in most pharmacies in China. making millions in the process. Whether you're a CEO, MBA student, or high school senior, this book gives you insights on numerous Chinese entrepreneurs who changed their destiny from that of a tailor, a cart)enter, a shoemaker, or a doctor, to that of a millionaire
In 《财富传奇:他们的**桶金(英文版)》 you will meet such luminaries as Zhang Yin. chairwoman of the NineDragons Papers (Holdings) Co.. the largest packaging manufacturer, and Lu Guanqiu. whoturned a small farm machinery workshop four decades ago into China's largest auto partsmanufacturer, with sales of $ 7 billion in 2007. You can also hear how Song Zhenghuanswitched from a math teacher to become founder of a company that is one of the largestsnppliers of baby strollers sold in the United States.And. it doesn't stop there. CHINA INC. features more than thirty incredible feats of entre-preneurial success resulting from the China's economic reform policies of the past thirtyvears. Lei ,lufang, an award-winning scientist who rediscovered ancient Tibetan medicineused her knowledge to create medical products sold in nmst pharmacies in China. makingmillions in the process. Whether you're a CEO. MBA student, or high school senior, thisbook gives you insights on numerous Chinese entrepreneurs who changed their destinyfrom that of a tailor, a carpenter, a shoenmker, or a doctor, to that of a millionaire.
Zhu Ling ,has been editor-in-chief of China Daily, the onlynational English-language news-paper in China, since October2004.The articles featured in this bookwere written by some of the mostexperienced business journahstsin the country. These reportershave been tracking China's spi-ralling economy for years,writing on such topics as multi-national companies, real estate,the development of the Chinesestock market, governmentreforms, state-owned enter-prises, and the rapid rise of local private businesses as well as entrepreneurs. Many of their stories have already been carried by various news agencies and wire services, helping people around the world develop a better understanding of China and helping business executives formulate strategies and plans to succeed in the world's most dynamic market.
内容简介 好的幻想小说都是成长小说,它长久不衰的魅力,在于它能帮孩子处理成长过程中必须面对的内心冲突。它是一面镜子,能照出孩子的自我;是孩子们演练内心冲突的一个舞台;是一次孩子们的自我发现之旅。 日本大幻想文学..
内容简介书籍特色 这是一套对英文字母、单词、短语、句子、文章书法练习的字帖,根据习字者的书法水平和英语程度,由浅入深,由易到难,通过循序渐进的练习,帮助习字者快速提高书..
内容简介书籍特色 为传承和发扬传统文化,江西美术出版社北京分社推出《中国历代名碑名帖精选》系列图书,让我们从这里抵达华夏文明的深处。 书法艺术是中华文化瑰宝,古人..
内容简介书籍特色 广大学生和书法爱好者书写汉字,力求规范、端正、整洁,能用钢笔熟练地书写正楷字,逐步提高书写速度,规范书写习惯。随着国家对传统文化越来越重视,写一手好的..
内容简介本书由僧人怀仁集王羲之书而成。怀仁从唐内府所藏王羲之书迹及民间王字遗墨中集《圣教序》, 历时二十四年。前人评价此碑: “天衣无缝, 胜于自运”, “逸少真迹, 咸萃其中”。由于王羲之真迹不存, 此碑是后人..
内容简介本书精选历代著名碑帖 (自殷商至近代) 影印出版, 纵贯中国书法史, 更加精当合理, 底本注重艺术性与版本价值相结合, 是广大读者学习书法艺术的首选法帖。碑高一丈一尺三寸六分, 宽四尺八寸五分。字共三十行,..