

每个人年轻的时候都有自己的梦想和对未来的憧憬,但是,许多人仅仅停留在梦想阶段。林毅夫却是一个有了梦想之后果断作出 历史性选择 ,并坚持不懈努力去实现梦想的人。林毅夫的故事是中国改革开放40年的发展历程的生动写照。2018年,他获颁 改革先锋 奖章,成为 新时代的中国人 的杰出代表。本书塑造了一个青年励志典范,描绘了林毅夫这位国际经济学界执着勤勉、孜孜不倦的学者,北京大学国际商学院里这位和蔼可亲、严谨认真的老师,讴歌了他谋求国家统一和发展的拳拳赤子之心,展示了新时代中国人追逐梦想、实现梦想的精神风貌,故事情节生动,引人入胜,为读者打开了一扇了解新时代中国的窗口,是一本讲述中国故事的上乘读物。
China after having completed a PhD program in Economics
abroad, and the first Chinese economist who had academic
papers published in the most prestigious international
journals such as The American Economic Review and The Journal
of Political Economy since the launch of reform and opening
up in the late 1970s. He is the Chinese economist who
has published the largest number of academic papers in
international journals so far. As an internationally recognized
leading expert on China s economy, he is the first economist
in mainland China to apply modern economic theories
and approaches in the study of China s economy. Many of
his works have been listed among the essential readings for
China economics courses by many Western universities.
On January 20, 2009, at the CCTV s tenth China
Economic Person of the Year award ceremony, Justin Yifu每个人年轻的时候都有自己的梦想和对未来的憧憬,但是,许多人仅仅停留在梦想阶段。林毅夫却是一个有了梦想之后果断作出 历史性选择 ,并坚持不懈努力去实现梦想的人。林毅夫的故事是中国改革开放40年的发展历程的生动写照。2018年,他获颁 改革先锋 奖章,成为 新时代的中国人 的杰出代表。本书塑造了一个青年励志典范,描绘了林毅夫这位国际经济学界执着勤勉、孜孜不倦的学者,北京大学国际商学院里这位和蔼可亲、严谨认真的老师,讴歌了他谋求国家统一和发展的拳拳赤子之心,展示了新时代中国人追逐梦想、实现梦想的精神风貌,故事情节生动,引人入胜,为读者打开了一扇了解新时代中国的窗口,是一本讲述中国故事的上乘读物。He was the first Chinese economist who returned to
China after having completed a PhD program in Economics
abroad, and the first Chinese economist who had academic
papers published in the most prestigious international
journals such as The American Economic Review and The Journal
of Political Economy since the launch of reform and opening
up in the late 1970s. He is the Chinese economist who
has published the largest number of academic papers in
international journals so far. As an internationally recognized
leading expert on China s economy, he is the first economist
in mainland China to apply modern economic theories
and approaches in the study of China s economy. Many of
his works have been listed among the essential readings for
China economics courses by many Western universities.
On January 20, 2009, at the CCTV s tenth China
Economic Person of the Year award ceremony, Justin Yifu
Lin topped the list of award winners, and was the only
economist to receive the highest honor in the field of
economics in China.


丛书围绕中国特色社会主义新时代主题,以鲜活、丰富的素材,讲述中国人奋发图强报效祖国,实现人生价值和追逐 中国梦 的故事,对外展现中国人的精神风貌和文化价值观,让世界多维度了解中国人,理解中国的发展变化,为向世界更好展示中国提供一个窗口、一个视角。尤其是在当下,中国面临来自外部的压力时,对外出版中国人自强不息的奋斗故事更加具有特别的意义。
林毅夫获颁改革先锋奖章。他的经历是中国发展模式和制度优势的 奥秘 的重要见证和诠释,也是中国走进世界舞台中央的生动注脚。丛书围绕中国特色社会主义新时代主题,以鲜活、丰富的素材,讲述中国人奋发图强报效祖国,实现人生价值和追逐 中国梦 的故事,对外展现中国人的精神风貌和文化价值观,让世界多维度了解中国人,理解中国的发展变化,为向世界更好展示中国提供一个窗口、一个视角。尤其是在当下,中国面临来自外部的压力时,对外出版中国人自强不息的奋斗故事更加具有特别的意义。
林毅夫获颁改革先锋奖章。他的经历是中国发展模式和制度优势的 奥秘 的重要见证和诠释,也是中国走进世界舞台中央的生动注脚。In Justin Yifu Lin s legendary life, there have been several important turning points, each of which has not only changed the course of his life dramatically, but also enriched his knowledge and broadened his minds and professional horizons. Lin dropped out of university to study at a military college in Taiwan 40 years before. Just as everything in his life seemed to be as perfect as it could be, he took a huge risk swimming across the Taiwan Strait to the mainland. Afterwards he studied at Peking University, the University of Chicago, and Yale University. After coming back to China as an overseas returnee, he spent decades with a swimming athlete s tenacity working on the Three Rural Issues and promoting the New Countryside Movement in China. In 2008, at the age of 56, Lin became Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of the World Bank and continued to put into practice his dream of serving the wellbeing of people all over the world .


刘世英,《总裁读书会》电视访谈节目创始人、CEO,财经传记作家,长期致力于财经人物和企业案例研究,著有《谁认识马云》《杨伟光的央视岁月》《我在央视当台长》等作品。Liu Shiying, founder and CEO of the TV interview programme WinnerBook Club and a biographer of influential thinkers in economics and finance, has long been dedicated to case studies on successful entrepreneurs and enterprises. His works include Who Knows Jack Ma, Yang Weiguang s Years at CCTV, and When I am the Director of CCTV Yang Weiguang in His Own Words.



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内容简介书籍特色 为传承和发扬传统文化,江西美术出版社北京分社推出《中国历代名碑名帖精选》系列图书,让我们从这里抵达华夏文明的深处。  书法艺术是中华文化瑰宝,古人..



内容简介书籍特色 广大学生和书法爱好者书写汉字,力求规范、端正、整洁,能用钢笔熟练地书写正楷字,逐步提高书写速度,规范书写习惯。随着国家对传统文化越来越重视,写一手好的..


内容简介本书由僧人怀仁集王羲之书而成。怀仁从唐内府所藏王羲之书迹及民间王字遗墨中集《圣教序》, 历时二十四年。前人评价此碑: “天衣无缝, 胜于自运”, “逸少真迹, 咸萃其中”。由于王羲之真迹不存, 此碑是后人..


内容简介本书精选历代著名碑帖 (自殷商至近代) 影印出版, 纵贯中国书法史, 更加精当合理, 底本注重艺术性与版本价值相结合, 是广大读者学习书法艺术的首选法帖。碑高一丈一尺三寸六分, 宽四尺八寸五分。字共三十行,..