顾毓琇形容许渊冲为 历代诗、词、曲译成英文,且能押韵自然,功力过人,实为有史以来*。 Professor Xu is the best translator who translated ancient poems,lyrics and songs in English.
《翻译的艺术》全书分总论、通论、专论和附录四个部分,主要收录了1978至1983年间作者在全国外语学刊上发表的20篇论文。在此基础上,通论部分和专论部分各增补了五篇文章。该书以大量的比较翻译的实例阐明了作者关于文学翻译理论的基本观点,是作者多年来从未间断的翻译实践的心得体会和理论提炼。Xu Yuanchong is a famous translator not only in China but abroad, as well as a professor in Peking University. He has been awarded varied prizes for what he has achieved in translation. He spent almost all his life in doing the translation from Chinese to the foreign languages, especially English and French, or English/French to Chinese. The Theory on Translation is on what he summarized his own translation practices.
许渊冲,毕业于西南联大,北京大学文学翻译教授。英文著作有《中诗英韵探胜》、《逝水年华》;中文著作有《文学翻译谈》、《追忆逝水年华》。译作有《不朽之歌》(英国企鹅出版公司出版)、《诗经》、《楚辞》、《唐诗三百首》、《宋词三百首》、《李白诗选》、《苏东坡诗词选》、《西厢记》和《毛泽东诗词选》等英译或法译;外译汉则有福楼拜《包法利夫人》等世界文学名著10种。被誉为将中文诗词翻译为英法韵文的惟一专家。Born in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province in 1921, he graduated from the Southwest Associated University and Universite de Paris. Mr. Xu is a professor of literary translation at Peking University.His English publications include On Chinese Verse in English Rhyme and Vanished Springs. In addition to Songs of the Immortals published by Penguin Books, he has translated many Chinese literary classics into English or French, such as Book of Poetry, Elegies of the South, 300 Tang Poems, 300 Song Lyrics, Selected Poems of Li Bai, Poems and Lyrics of Su Dongpo, Romance of Western Bower and The Selected Poems of Mao Zedong. He has also translated some world literary classics, such as Gustave Flaubert s Madame Bovary, into Chinese. Prof. Xu won the Lifetime Achievement Award in Translation conferred by the Translators Association of China (TAC) in 2010, and won the Aurora Borealis Prize for Outstanding Translation of Fiction Literature, conferred by the Federation of International Translators (FIT) in 2014.许渊冲,毕业于西南联大,北京大学文学翻译教授。英文著作有《中诗英韵探胜》、《逝水年华》;中文著作有《文学翻译谈》、《追忆逝水年华》。译作有《不朽之歌》(英国企鹅出版公司出版)、《诗经》、《楚辞》、《唐诗三百首》、《宋词三百首》、《李白诗选》、《苏东坡诗词选》、《西厢记》和《毛泽东诗词选》等英译或法译;外译汉则有福楼拜《包法利夫人》等世界文学名著10种。被誉为将中文诗词翻译为英法韵文的惟一专家。Born in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province in 1921, he graduated from the Southwest Associated University and Universite de Paris. Mr. Xu is a professor of literary translation at Peking University.His English publications include On Chinese Verse in English Rhyme and Vanished Springs. In addition to Songs of the Immortals published by Penguin Books, he has translated many Chinese literary classics into English or French, such as Book of Poetry, Elegies of the South, 300 Tang Poems, 300 Song Lyrics, Selected Poems of Li Bai, Poems and Lyrics of Su Dongpo, Romance of Western Bower and The Selected Poems of Mao Zedong. He has also translated some world literary classics, such as Gustave Flaubert s Madame Bovary, into Chinese. Prof. Xu won the Lifetime Achievement Award in Translation conferred by the Translators Association of China (TAC) in 2010, and won the Aurora Borealis Prize for Outstanding Translation of Fiction Literature, conferred by the Federation of International Translators (FIT) in 2014.
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